In Evergreen, Physical Health, Wellness, by Healthy Family Living TeamLeave a Comment

In the hustle and bustle of daily life, when we're constantly juggling a million things, and caring to our kids, it's easy to let details like our own need for electrolytes slip our minds. As busy parents ourselves, we understand the struggle of trying to keep it all together. It often feels like there's barely enough time in the day to do everything on our never-ending checklist, and staying hydrated often takes a backseat. Yet, it's not just about quenching our thirst; it's about fueling our bodies with the vital electrolytes they need to function optimally. Recognizing the importance of electrolytes in our daily lives can make a huge difference in our health.

We asked our friends at  Organika Health for some tips on getting the right balance of electrolytes in our day. Below are the key science tips from their trusted team. Let's dive into the science of hydration & electrolytes, explore the far-reaching benefits, and pull out practical strategies that busy parents like us can use to prioritize this precious aspect of our well-being. Basically, if your hydration is off, everything will be out of balance. 


Did you know that hydration doesn’t mean drinking just water? Your body needs key minerals, called electrolytes for the functioning of cells, muscles, digestion, metabolism, nerve signaling, acid balance & overall wellness.

Here's the science: Electrolytes are salts that supply electrical neutrality in cells. This balance of electric charge in and out of the cell is what generates and conducts the actions in our nerves and muscles. Sodium & potassium are significant electrolytes along with magnesium, calcium, phosphate & bicarbonates. These electrolytes can be out of imbalance in your body, leading to either high or low levels. High or low levels of electrolytes disrupt normal bodily functions and can lead to a general feeling of being unwell to life-threatening complications. Electrolytes come from your diet so you can easily add electrolytes to your water to be properly hydrated.



Ensuring your body has the proper balance of electrolytes daily has benefits.

• Helps regulate your body’s most essential functions, including sending signals throughout your nervous system
• Helps keep a balanced pH and temperature so that your cells and organs are functioning optimally
• Supports the digestive system through the opening and closing of channels that need an ionic balance
• Helps your muscles contract and avoid cramping during activity
• Controls impulses in your body to keep your heart beating, lungs breathing & brain functioning optimally
• Supports your immunity and return to health after being ill



• Electrolytes maintain the well-being of the cardiovascular system; potassium and magnesium have been associated with combatting cardiovascular risk factors, especially blood pressure
• Magnesium is specifically needed to fight infection, as decreased levels can affect T-cells (immune fighter cells)
• Decreased magnesium or potassium can lead to muscle weakness, fatigue, and even constipation
• A small potassium deficiency can have large impacts, so potassium replenishment or supplementation is vital, especially for those at risk of hypokalemia, such as those with hypertension, heart failure, or diabetes.
• There is such thing as hyperhydration or overdrinking water — this essentially means more water than electrolytes, leading to fluid imbalances
• Endurance athletes must replace sweat loss via fluid intake containing about 4-8% of carbohydrate solution and electrolytes during training or competition.
• Proper hydration, with electrolytes, during training or competition enhances performance, delays fatigue, and prevents injuries associated with dehydration & sweat loss.



Electrolytes are for everyone, as they play a key role in staying hydrated. Replenishing electrolytes is important post-activity, during travel, in hot weather, when dehydrated or ill, when hungover, and to boost your overall health. You need electrolytes daily to ensure proper hydration. Without them, you’ll be dehydrated and won’t feel your best and your body won’t function optimally. Electrolytes that are formulated for daily use are great for keeping up with your daily hydration goals and help you beat that afternoon slump without caffeine. Electrolytes are essential to health, for everyone. Whether you’re a busy mom, an athlete, a student, or an employee trying to focus, younger or older, it’s vital to keep a balance of electrolytes in your body.


Here is what our friends at Organika recommend in terms of electrolytes for various lifestyles & needs:

• If you want to combine hydration with the maintenance of your skin, hair, nails, bones, joints, and gut health go for Electrolytes + Enhanced Collagen.
• If you traveling, on the go, or want to keep electrolytes handy (bag, car, office) you'll want Electrolytes Sachets.
• If you're looking for post-illness recovery or are're trying to prevent illness, Electrolytes Defence is for you.
• If you need support drinking enough water and want to be properly daily hydration, go for Pure Electrolytes.
• High-performing athletes who do vigorous workouts, sweat a lot, or are on a Ketogenic diet will want to go with Electrolytes Extra Strength.


From day one, Organika's passion for health, wellness & innovation has inspired them to create ways to make healthy living accessible & easy for everyone. We all know living healthy is more than sprinkling supplements into your morning smoothie, so along with an evolving collection of wellness & beauty products, Organika offers you the tools to love living healthy every day. 

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