For the past 5 years, Healthy Family Media has been proud to partner with Canucks Autism Network (CAN) through our annual Healthy Family Expo at the Vancouver Convention Centre. There's no doubt that an active lifestyle improves a family's overall health & wellness, and CAN's first-ever Relay 4 Autism this summer is a fantastic celebration of this idea! CAN provides year-round sports and recreation programs to individuals and families living with autism, while promoting autism acceptance, understanding and inclusion through community engagement and training initiatives across British Columbia. And this new FREE family event does just that!

On Saturday, July 20th, 2019, CAN will host their first-ever Relay 4 Autism. Families, supporters and general public of all ages are invited to walk, run or wheel around the Swangard Stadium track in Burnaby in support of Canucks Autism Network! Come in your best 80s attire or any fun outfit (superhero suits! tutus!) to participate in the fun costume competition. This FREE family-friendly outdoor event will also feature carnival games, bouncy castles, food trucks, music, and a vendor marketplace. You're welcome to register in advance and do some fundraising, or just show your support by heading to the stadium with your family for a day of endless fun!

This amazing FREE family event takes place
Saturday, July 20th, 2019, 10 am - 3pm
at Swangard Stadium in Burnaby!

To enjoy this amazing event, you don’t have to register for the relay and your family doesn't have to be living with autism. You can just show up and be part of the event to show that you support CAN’s goals of understanding, acceptance and inclusive enjoyment for all. We love that admission is FREE, and there are lots of opportunities on site for families to donate where possible.
Show off your slap shot at the Canucks community caravan! Learn to DJ! Catch the Science World live show, enjoy dozens of carnival games & bouncy castles and even get an event souvenir at the Tap Snap photo booth! Don’t worry about getting hungry through the day - food trucks will be on site or you're welcome to bring your own food, so be sure to pack your picnic blanket! Visit the Canucks Autism Network website for all the details.

If you're inspired by the relay part of this event, participating is as easy as can be! The first step is signing up as an individual or team! Next, set either a personal or group goal to walk/run/wheel a chosen number of laps around the track. Then, if you wish, collect pledges from friends, family and co-workers to help you reach your fundraising goal. Fundraising prizes include Xbox prizes, Canucks tickets, signed merch and more!
Be one of the first three individuals or teams to raise $5,000 to win an Xbox prize pack!

Wondering what to do with the kids in Metro Vancouver this weekend, or what to make for dinner? You can find it at! From the Sunshine Coast to the Fraser Valley, we’re the best online resource for busy parents looking for practical tips for healthy, active, sustainable living. For the latest on family events, outdoor adventures, birthday parties, camps & classes and kid-approved recipes, follow us on Facebook and sign-up for our parent-approved e-newsletter!