We’re always looking to shake things up and find new ways to get active as a family.
Lately, our kids had been on screens more than usual for schoolwork & family movie nights, and we were concerned about their lack of enthusiasm about being active. They had reached their limit of how many family walks they would do without endless complaining, and we needed a new solution for our family.
Last year we purchased a Nintendo Switch system at London Drugs with a number of fun video games, and as the pandemic has been keeping us at home more, we recently added the Ring Fit Adventure game to the mix. Our kids love it and we’ve been surprised at how much the adults in our family really get into it too!
Why We Love the Ring Fit Adventure:
1. Personalization levels the playing field
Being able to set up a profile for each kid and have the difficulty preset to each of their skill levels is a bonus. And same goes for us parents – we love being able to set our own levels for a challenge that’s matched to our own skill levels. No frustration, intimidation, or guilt – just a great adventure!
2. So much variety
Tired of straight push-ups and squats? How about paddling jungle rivers, smashing boxes, and running in place through the forest leaping over boulders?
3. Time flies by
The fun of the games has us totally immersed and we find that instead of watching the minutes tick by, we're through the games and wanting more. The game keeps the kids' interests because they have so much fun.
4. Quick Games For Busy Parents
The 12 Mini games that are available right at the start-up are perfect for adults who need to get several mini active sessions in the day instead of one longer one. Some days we need that flexibility and it means that we rarely skip a day entirely. Instead, we squeeze in 3 or 4 mini-sessions during the day/evening.
5. Simple addition to existing game system
Our kids already love playing video games on our Nintendo Switch system, and we’ve been thrilled to see that by simply adding the Ring Fit Adventure game into the mix, it has so easily brought rainy day active fun into our home!

Adventure mode
This is the full-length game where you explore more than 100 levels in over 20 vibrant worlds in your quest to defeat a bodybuilding dragon and his minions using real-life exercises! You will traverse grass-swept plains by jogging in place, attack enemies with overhead shoulder presses, and refill your health meter by striking some yoga poses. This is where the kids wanted to be, beating their score, adventuring through different parts of the games and leveling up.
Thigh Rider
This Minigame has you squeeze the Ring-Con accessory with your thighs to jump your bike over oncoming obstacles and go for a ride.
Smack Back
Knock back discs that are being hurled towards you. High-paced abdominal work being done here!
Crate Crasher
See how many wooden crates you can blast! Our kids love the explosions!
Squattery wheel
Although not as high paced, this Minigame has you make the perfect pottery with your squats!

*Ring Fit Adventure and Nintendo Switch are trademarks of Nintendo.

Born & raised in Vancouver, and co-founder of Healthy Family Media and the Healthy Family Expo, Angela is a reformed divorce lawyer turned healthy family champion! By day, she thrives on connecting conscious brands with busy Vancouver families. By night, you’ll find her wrangling two feisty daughters, choosing between instant pot or healthy freezer meals for dinner, and singing with MomChoir. She especially loves sharing her favourite family-friendly finds with other Lower Mainland parents!