healthier grilled cheese


In Evergreen, Food, Meal Inspiration, by Healthy Family Living TeamLeave a Comment

There is nothing easier and more comforting than a well-made grilled cheese sandwich!

For #NationalGrilledCheeseDay on April 12th, we have pulled together some creative inspirations to give you delicious healthier variations on this tried and true classic!

12 healthier grilled cheese sandwiches

healthier grilled cheese

Using leftover roasted sweet potato, and then sautĂŠ red onion and kale, spinach4breakfast makes a grilled cheese like no other! YUM!

healthier grilled cheese

Aaynutrition upped the protein with slices of turkey, upped the nutrients with grilled veggies, and then reduced the calories without sacrificing flavour by using Cashew Dip in place of the cheese.⠀⁠Some may argue it’s not a grilled cheese but wow it looks good and dairy-free!

healthier grilled cheese

Patriciavfit adds avocado & tomato grilled to jazz up a classic grilled cheese.
Seems like a good idea to us! 

healthier grilled cheese

Our favourite veggie hack comes from realfoodbytwomoms! Blend together baby spinach, a couple garlic cloves, olive oil (enough so that when you blend, it will make a paste) and a dash of salt. Pour this mixture into silicone ice cube trays and freeze. Then anytime you want to add a little spinach to a wrap, grilled cheese, pasta, omelettes or quesadillas just pull out one of the frozen cubes and finely grate it over your meal.

healthier grilled cheese

Look at these beauties!! Wholefoodsbc knows how to create delicious combinations that pack a nutritional punch especially when it comes to new ways to do the classics like these healthier grilled cheese sandwiches. See more in their bio link!

healthier grilled cheese

OMG…. look at those gorgeous colours in this beetroot spinach and ricotta creation from voke_tab. We love ANYTHING / EVERYTHING beetroot!

healthier grilled cheese

A bit of grown-up flavour in this spicy creation from veggiieetales. Amazing flavours from the cheddar + colby jack cheese , spinach, avo & kimchi. Oh yeah!

healthier grilled cheese

A little sweet, a little savory, and packed full of protein & fiber to keep you full until your next meal. We love this brightly coloured sandwich from adaptedeats.⠀

healthier grilled cheese

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