Remembrance Day is a day for all Canadians to stand together and remember the brave men and women who served and sacrificed for our country. On this day, every Canadian is encouraged to intentionally take a moment to pause, to reflect, to give thanks, and to remember. First observed in 1919 throughout the British Commonwealth, Remembrance Day was originally called “Armistice Day” to commemorate the armistice agreement that ended the First World War on Monday, November 11, 1918, at 11 a.m. - on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.
The Remembrance Day Ceremony has played a major role since 1931. Every year, at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, we have traditionally gathered in memorial parks, community halls, workplaces, schools, and homes to stand in honour of all who have fallen. This year most ceremonies are not open to the general public and are by invitation only to ensure physical distancing.

Technology will allow us to mark Remembrance Day in 2020 through the live streaming of our neighbourhood events. Together, we can observe a moment of silence to mark the sacrifice of the many who have fallen in the service of their country, and to acknowledge the courage of those who still serve.
You can watch the National event here from Ottawa and local events are broadcast from Burnaby, Maple Ridge, New Westminster, Surrey, Vancouver & White Rock.
Donate to the National Poppy Fund today. Help show your support to veterans by posting a poppy in your front window and post a photo to you social media channels using #RememberInPlace and/or #PoppyInTheWindow

The National broadcast will be streamed on the Canadian Legion Facebook Page.
The ceremony starts November 11th at 10:30 am sharp.
You are invited to watch the local Remembrance Day ceremony for South Burnaby on the Burnaby Legion Facebook page (@burnabylegionbranch83). Other options to remember include wearing a poppy, and taking a minute of silence on your own on Nov.11 at 11:11am.
The live stream ceremony starts at 10:45 am.
Spectators are asked to “Remember in Place” by staying home and watching the live stream Maple Ridge Legion Branch #88's. The Maple Ridge Legion will host a Livestream commemoration that can be viewed from this page and/or the following locations online starting at 10:45 AM.
Maple Ridge Branch #88
Branch #88's Facebook
The ceremony starts at 10:30 am.
In partnership with the New Westminster Royal Canadian Legion, The Royal Westminster Regiment and other community organizations, Remembrance Day for 2020 has been re-imagined to meet COVID-19 safety requirements and to provide the community with a safe way of honouring our veterans and their sacrifices. This virtual ceremony continues an important tradition of honouring our veterans and the sacrifices made. The broadcast will feature poetry readings, a memorial address, two minutes of silence and a wreath ceremony. Music will be provided by the Royal Westminster Regiment Band, the Dowco Triumph Street Pipe Band and Elizabeth Irving.
Watch the live-stream here.
You can also participate in a self-guided walking tour throughout the Queen’s Park Neighbourhood on November 11 from 9:30-4:30. See the map here.

The ceremony starts November 11th at 10:30 am.
The annual ceremony at the cenotaph in Cloverdale will take place virtually this year. Tune in to Facebook Live to pay your respects.
A small group from the Cloverdale Legion will lay wreaths in an intimate ceremony to commemorate the day. In the interest of COVID-19 safety, the public is not invited to gather at Victory Square. Instead, pay your respect by watching the small, live event on The Heritage Surrey Facebook page (@HeritageSurrey) or on the City of Surrey Facebook page @TheCityofSurrey.
Ceremony at Stanley Park
The ceremony starts at 10:40 am PST sharp from the Japanese Hall.
This year’s Stanley Park ceremony is limited to wreath layers and speakers only (not open to the public). To commemorate the Cenotaph's 100th anniversary, the viewing event will include pre-recorded tributes that include the 100th anniversary of the cenotaph; a display of the original Honour Rolls gifted back to us; receive a commemorative coin; and light refreshments. Join us to honour and give thanks.
View the live-stream here.
UBC’s Virtual Ceremony of Remembrance
The ceremony starts November 11th at 10:45 am.
Since the opening of the War Memorial Gym in 1951, The University of British Columbia has held a ceremony commemorating November 11. 2020 marks the 69th year that the University of British Columbia has hosted a Remembrance Day ceremony. This year, due to COVID-19, the Remembrance Day ceremony will be a virtual event, featuring a live broadcast from War Memorial Gym. Community members are invited to watch—to honour and remember all those who served in times of war, military conflict, and peace. Watch the live-stream here.
The ceremony starts at 10:45 a.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 11.
The traditional Remembrance Day ceremony that takes place at the Cenotaph at White Rock’s City Hall is going virtual this year due to COVID-19. The City is working with the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 8, to record a ceremony, complete with the traditional songs, readings and two minutes of silence. The ceremony will be shown on the City’s Facebook page (@whiterockcity) The event is also available from the Legion’s Branch 8 Facebook page.

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