Just over three years ago at ages 5 and 7, our girls received their Maplelea dolls: Taryn from Banff, AB, and Charlsea from Saltspring Island, BC. The video below was filmed the first week the dolls joined our family, and now that our girls are 8 and 10, they're still going strong with interactive pretend play with their wonderful Canadian pals. High on their Christmas wish list this year is the Maplelea school desk & locker set, and they'll just have to wait and see if Santa manages to snag one before they're sold out this holiday season!
We're always keeping an eye out for new additions to Maplelea's line of dolls and accessories. The original Maplelea Girls dolls series is 7 bright, active, caring girls, each with their own Canadian story to tell. And new this holiday season are the Maplelea&ME! dolls that allow you to choose your own doll, create their own unique story, and personalize with accessories. We love this new option for kids to be extra creative and really make the dolls their own!
Below is a heartfelt message from Maplelea's President, Kathryn Morton, with a seasonal update and holiday well wishes for families everywhere.

If you're not yet a Maplelea subscriber, you can click HERE and scroll to the bottom of the page to register for product updates, promotions, and other Maplelea news. Maplelea has become a valued part of our family over the past few years, and we're excited for other families to get to know them too. Happy Holidays!

Born & raised in Vancouver, and co-founder of Healthy Family Media and the Healthy Family Expo, Angela is a reformed divorce lawyer turned healthy family champion! By day, she thrives on connecting conscious brands with busy Vancouver families. By night, you’ll find her wrangling two feisty daughters, choosing between instant pot or healthy freezer meals for dinner, and singing with MomChoir. She especially loves sharing her favourite family-friendly finds with other Lower Mainland parents!