Summer just got better! We have 35 easy summer fun ideas that are sure to keep kids of all ages busy. Pick one a day and enjoy a fun filled summer holiday!
Another great idea is to randomly assign a number from 1 -35 on a calendar and have the kids use this list as a summer advent calendar. They will love checking each day to see what is in store for them!

35 Summer Fun Ideas For Kids:
- Create a water park in the backyard. Turn on the sprinkler, fill the baby pool, get out the Slip 'N Slide and let the kids go to town!
- Take a bubble bath outside. Fill an inflatable pool with bubbles and stand back!
- Start your own book club. Create a summer reading list for your kids, then discuss the books after they read them. Invite their friends to join in!
- Make a movie with your smartphone or iPad. Use editing software to add special effects & music to it.
- Stage a play. Gather some friends create a play to perform for the parents.
- Make splatter art! Grab a large piece of material, a sheet or a canvas and let the kids splatter it with paint outside.
- Camp in the backyard and roast hot dogs and marshmallows if you have a fire pit (or on the grill).
- Collect bugs. Send the kids out with jars to to search for creepy crawlies. Take pictures of your finds and look them up on before you release them.
- Create your own comic book, then share it with the family.
- Build a fort. If you don't have a big box, build a fort with sheets and blankets instead.
- Invent something using old parts or things that you don't need from around the house.
- Decorate windows with washable window markers.
- Conduct a science experiment such as the simple "volcano" made with baking soda, vinegar and food coloring.
- Make homemade slime with Borax plus glue.
- Grow a bean in a clear cup to watch the roots grow down and the stem grow up.
- Make invisible ink that can only be seen when held up to a heat source. Use it to send secret messages to friends.
- Invent a written code . Use it to write a letter to a friend. Don't forget to send them the key code!
- Make crazy pancakes. Fill plastic condiment bottles with pancake batter and let kids create shapes in the frying pan.
- Have a dance party. Play your kids' favorite tunes and let them boogie.
- Build ice castles. Freeze water in plastic containers of various sizes then let the kids take the ice blocks outside and create castles with them.
- Look at the stars. Download an app that helps you identify constellations -or check out a book from the library.
- Watch the sun rise (or set) together as a family at least once this summer.
- Rediscover board games? Bust out Monopoly or Clue on a rainy day or set up a games blanket in the shade.
- Download and watch kids' movies and Canadian classics for free from the National Film Board of Canada.
- Pull out the sidewalk chalk and challenge the kids go to town creating an artful masterpiece or the world's best/longest hopscotch game.
- Make a bird feeder by spreading pinecones with peanut butter and then coating them with sunflower seeds. Hang them in the yard and enjoy the free entertainment from your new feathered friends.
- Make some no-cook treat sandcastles. Think rice-crispy squares made using clean sand toys.
- Challenge neighbourhood families to a giant game of soccer or baseball.
- Visit a different playground or neighbourhood park every week. A playful change of scenery in a different area makes for new adventures.
- Get soaked! Many parks have free splash pads.
- Make a sundial by placing a stick in a vertical position and a circle of rocks around it marking each hour.
- Build a Marshmallow catapult!
- Experiment with Milk Art.
- Make & race paper air planes. Who goes fastest? Who goes farthest?
- Try making a Fizzy Orange!

Alison Tedford is a funny suburban mom who can never find her keys. She is passionate about mental health, physical fitness, and being a good parent. Alison likes naps and long walks on the patio with a skinny vanilla latte.