

In Evergreen, Mental Health, sponsored post Wellness, by Healthy Family Living TeamLeave a Comment

anxiety sleep

Tips for Better Sleep

Sleep Hygiene 101, aka sleep like a baby again! 

  • Keep regular sleep hours. Go to bed and rise at the same time every day, including weekends.
  • Sleep in complete darkness. Use a sleep mask if you must. 
  • Sleep in a quiet room; use a white noise machine or earplugs if this is impossible. 
  • When getting up in the night to use the washroom, use a nightlight. Meaning do not turn on the washroom light; this light signals to the brain that it is time to wake up, causing falling back asleep to be complicated.
  • No screens at least 2 hrs before bed. If you must, invest in blue-light-blocking glasses. 
  • Keep your room slightly cool.
  • Avoid stimulants, preferably after lunch & onward. These include coffee, or any caffeine, smoking & more.
  • If you have pets that wake you, have them sleep in another room as hard as it is. 
  • Keep the bedroom for sleeping and "sexy time." This means no TV, no reading, no work, no anything other than sleep and sex! This helps the brain associate your bed with sleep. 
  • When you go to bed, if you cannot fall asleep in the first 20 mins, get up and do something; this also helps the brain associate your bed with sleep. 
  • Don't eat at least 3 hrs before bed; this helps us sleep as digestion takes a lot of energy and is a significant process on the body. Not to mention, this can cause indigestion and more, which can interrupt sleep. 
  • But if you regularly wake around 3 am, try a small snack of protein or fat or both before bed. Waking at this hour could be blood sugar levels dropping and awakening you. 
  • No intense exercise at least a few hours before bed. Exercise is energizing! Try yoga, stretching, or meditation instead. 
  • When first waking, get natural light in your eyes within the first half an hour.  This helps reset the circadian clock, leading to better sleep, weight loss, increased energy, balanced hormones, etc. 
  • Create a bedtime routine; this allows the body to know, hey, it's time for bed! It can be a warm Epsom salt bath, a cup of tea, your fave self-care, meditation, gratitude journaling, or anything you find relaxing. 

anxiety sleep
anxiety sleep
anxiety sleep

Supplements for Better Sleep

To sleep well, both your body and brain must be relaxed. Here are some suggestions to assist in doing this - start with one and find what works best for you. 

  • Lemon balm, valerian & chamomile are herbs that promote relaxation & can be drunk in bedtime tea form
  • Herbaland's Sleep Plus gummies contain three sleep "helpers." Melatonin - your body's natural sleep hormone. L-theanine - an amino acid that calms the mind. Lemon balm - an herb that promotes relaxation. 
  • Herbaland's Calm Naturally contains L-Theanine & magnesium. It works by activating neurotransmitters that calm the body & mind. And GABA, which inhibits neural activity & helps your mind to relax. 

A good night's sleep is vital for more than anxiety control. Still, many of us are affected by anxiety, and knowing something as simple as working towards getting enough sleep can help and eliminate anxiety is reason enough to chat about it. Do you suffer from poor sleep and anxiety? Try the tips above to be on your way to a good night's sleep. Or maybe a loved one or friend you know does; if so, please share this information with them. 

Sweet dreams, everyone! 

Herbaland is Canada's largest gummy manufacturer of inclusive nutritional gummies & functional foods. They carry vitamins for kids & adults, fitness gummies, beauty gummies & clean candy! All of their gummies are vegan, low-sugar, sugar-free, dairy-free, soy-free, palm oil derivative-free, allergen-free, nut-free & Halal. As the first vitamin gummy brand to go compostable, Herbaland has committed to planting 500K trees in 2022 & 2.5 million trees by 2025, through Veritree.

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