Although delayed due to COVID-19, we are excited to announce that Cultus Lake Water Park & Adventure Park, are both re-opened to the public as of July 8th! The young at heart will be able to enjoy favourites like the Rattler, Bazooka Bowl, Wave Swing & Runaway Mine Train, that have made Destination Cultus a favourite for 35 years
This long anticipated re-opening comes with new rules, rates & hours, so we want all Metro Vancouver families to have the info they'll need to plan a fun adventure to the parks. Safety of visitors & staff is a top priority, and the parks have been working hard to develop a system that will allow families to enjoy the parks safely this summer.
plan your day & hit both parks!
Our team has been enjoying the Cultus Lake Water & Adventure Parks as a summer family tradition for years. When the hot summer weather hits Metro Vancouver we are ready to play outside all day. We divide our day in to 2 parts and enjoy the fun at both parks! We usually start with the Water Park in the morning and move across the street to the Adventure Park in the afternoon. But the opposite would make for a great way to cool off after all the fun rides at the Adventure Park.
With new admission times and 4 hour blocks for both parks, plan for a longer day at a relaxed pace.
For the early risers: Hit the Water Park at 9:00 am & stay until 1:30 pm, followed by lunch in town and a maybe a session at the lake. Then hit the Adventure Park at 4:30 pm for an evening of fun.
For the later risers: Have a later breakfast then start with the Adventure park at 11 am but only stay until 2 pm so that you can hit the Water Park at 2:30 pm.
cultus lake WATER park
changes for summer 2020

New 4 Hour Sessions
AM Session: Arrive by 9 am – (slides start at 9:30 am–exit by 1:30)
PM Session: Arrive by 2:30 pm (slides start at 3:00 pm–exit by 7:00 pm)
One Price For All
The price is the same for everyone regardless of age or height - $25.00/person (incl. tax), and one child under 36 inches is free with a paid adult. Regular safe-riding height restrictions still apply on certain slides. Free Customer Parking will be available in the Waterpark front lot only, and be sure you know your license plate number to register your vehicle as you enter the park and fill out new contact tracing forms for your group.
No Ticket Pre-Purchases
No pre-purchasing or reservations available. You must be present and purchase your admission as you enter for either your morning or afternoon session, and capacity will be drastically reduced from usual operations.
No In & Out Privileges
Due to COVID-19 modifications, handstamps, wristbands, or other re-entry credentials are not permitted. Once you get in, you have to stay in the park until your're ready to leave. Your paid admission expires when you leave the park, so be sure not to leave anything behind in the car in the parking lot!
No Tents or Umbrellas
Due to Provincial safe-distancing requirements and reduced capacity, personal tents and umbrellas, camping gear, and other large items will not be permitted with you into the park this summer. But shaded tables will be made available throughout the park at no extra cost.
Food Options
The Espresso Hut & Main Foods Concession Stand will be open at the Waterpark, but other food outlets will be closed. Or plan to bring your own food with you - that's still permitted.
Come Ready to Swim
Guests are strongly urged to shower before leaving home, and arrive “Swim Ready” in your swimwear. Bathrooms and change room opening may be delayed since they will not be opened to the public until they have been cleaned, sanitized, and inspected. Arriving in your bathing suit means you can hit the slides right away!

cultus Lake ADVENTURE park
changes for summer 2020

New 4 Hour Sessions
AM Session: Arrive by 11:00 am – (rides start at 11:30 pm. exit by 3:30 pm)
PM Session: Arrive by 4:30 pm (rides start at 5:00 pm. exit by 9:00 pm)
One Price For All!
The price is the same for everyone regardless of age or height- $25.00/person (incl. tax), but note that one child under 36 inches is free with a paid adult. Admission includes unlimited ride and mini-golf access during the 4-hour session. Regular safe-riding height restrictions still apply on certain rides. And note that Arcade Corral, Prospector’s Peak, and Cultus Gold ‘n Gems attractions are closed until further notice.
No Pre-Purchases
No pre-purchasing or reservations available. You must be present and purchase your admission as you enter for either your morning or afternoon session.
No In & Out Privileges
Due to COVID-19 modifications, handstamps, wristbands, or other re-entry credentials are not permitted. Once you get in, you have to stay in the park until your're ready to leave. Your paid admission expires when you leave the park, so be sure not to leave anything behind in the car in the parking lot!
Food Options
The Clubhouse refreshment booth and the Cantina concession stand will remain open daily this Summer. Or bring your own lunch and snacks - that's still permitted this summer!

Wondering what to do with the kids in Metro Vancouver this weekend, or what to make for dinner? You can find it at! From the Sunshine Coast to the Fraser Valley, we’re the best online resource for busy parents looking for practical tips for healthy, active, sustainable living. For the latest on family events, outdoor adventures, birthday parties, camps & classes and kid-approved recipes, follow us on Facebook and sign-up for our parent-approved e-newsletter!