Ready for some online fun as we head into summer?
From June 12-19, join our Family Food Challenge with Whole Foods Market in support of Growing Chefs and qualify to win over $3000 in prizes, including a Springfree Trampoline for your family!
Registration is FREE and open to all BC families starting June 1st! The first 100 families who register receive a $10 Whole Foods Market gift card.
Complete up to 8 simple challenges over 8 days, and post your photos in our Facebook Event for your chance to win big! Do the challenges at your own pace - all in one day or spread them out, it's up to you!
The more challenges you complete, the more prizes you'll qualify to win, and the more entries you'll earn for the Grand Prize Draw that includes a Springfree Trampoline to help keep your family active all summer long!
And for every single family who registers, Whole Foods Market, Nature's Path EnviroKidz, and Que Pasa will donate $25 to Growing Chefs programs that support BC kids (up to a maximum of $6,000).
Registration Perks for the Family Food Challenge include:
- $10 Whole Foods Market gift card (for the first 100 families who register);
- Coupon for $10 off your next purchase of $50+ at Whole Foods Market;
- Chance to win over $3000 in prizes, including a Springfree Trampoline, and healthy treats from awesome brands available at Whole Foods Market stores, including Once Upon a Farm, Patience Fruit & Co, Nature's Path EnviroKidz, Que Pasa, siggi's, Stonyfield Organic, and Nora's Plant-Based;
- Choose Your Own Adventure E-Cookbook For Kids (PDF) from Healthy Family Living Vancouver;
- Complimentary access to a Growing Chefs online cooking class for the whole family; and
- For every family who registers, Whole Foods Market, Nature's Path EnviroKidz, and Que Pasa will donate $25 to Growing Chefs programs that support BC kids (up to a maximum of $6000)

Growing Chefs is a Vancouver-based non-profit that brings local chefs & growers into elementary schools to teach kids throughout British Columbia about food, cooking & gardening. During the pandemic, their adapted programs include engaging online opportunities for schools & families, including cooking classes via Zoom!
Through Growing Chefs programs, kids engage in the entire food cycle —digging in the soil, planting seeds, harvesting vegetables, and learning basic cooking skills. The kids connect with food, and often serve themselves second helpings of vegetables they used to refuse to eat!
With your help, we can help Growing Chefs give even more kids hands-on experience that transforms how they think about food! For every family who registers, Whole Foods Market, Nature's Path EnviroKidz, and Que Pasa will donate $25 to Growing Chefs programs that support BC kids (up to a maximum of $6000).

Wondering what to do with the kids in Metro Vancouver this weekend, or what to make for dinner? You can find it at! From the Sunshine Coast to the Fraser Valley, we’re the best online resource for busy parents looking for practical tips for healthy, active, sustainable living. For the latest on family events, outdoor adventures, birthday parties, camps & classes and kid-approved recipes, follow us on Facebook and sign-up for our parent-approved e-newsletter!