Looking for some indoor fun for the kids? We have been hardcore Lego fans for many decades and it is so much fun to see how these simple blocks can spark so much imagination and creativity.
We have created 30+ simple Lego challenges to have your kids do or to do together as a family. Challenge friends or family online, use as a conversation starter or a distraction when stuck at home sick.
All you have to do is pick a prompt from below and let your imagination go wild!


Wondering what to do with the kids in Metro Vancouver this weekend, or what to make for dinner? You can find it at HealthyFamilyLiving.com! From the Sunshine Coast to the Fraser Valley, we’re the best online resource for busy parents looking for practical tips for healthy, active, sustainable living. For the latest on family events, outdoor adventures, birthday parties, camps & classes and kid-approved recipes, follow us on Facebook and sign-up for our parent-approved e-newsletter!