Anyone else thinking that they could use a backyard refresh?
Long summer days without schedules can sound blissful in your winter dreams, but in reality they can get the best of any parent. This year we planned ahead to maximize our summer fun while not putting too heavy a strain on our budget. Summer camps can add up, and don’t always work for every family, so we had a different plan. Instead of putting our money towards activities outside of the house, we decided instead to put our funds INTO our home, making it a hub of summer fun and activity. We decided this was the year to do a full Summer Backyard Refresh!
If you have neglected your backyard, we have some great ideas to make it the place that kids and adults want to come to enjoy the summer fun.
Our must-have backyard refresh included:
We have a bit of a wild forest in our backyard and wanted to make some more room for playing. This meant a lot of tree trimming and some ground leveling. Not the most fun to do, but the resulting usable space more than made up for the sweat and tears.
Play is only one half of the summer equation, relaxing is equally important. We wanted to create some spaces where the family could come together and where we could entertain. We added a hammock, plus some comfortable patio seating around our fire pit. This is where the s’mores magic happens!
Traffic Flow.
Like many houses, the flow in our backyard is not ideal. A lovely balcony on the main floor, but with no way to access the backyard. Whenever the kids want to go and play, or the dog needs to go out, we need to go downstairs to the basement. This complicates having guests stay over, as our family room/spare room is where the backyard door is. Building some stairs from the balcony to the backyard has been a lifesaver for us!
This is the key to keeping the kids happy, busy and out of our hair! We maximized the activity level & installed a zip-line, a ninja line (a hanging monkey-bar type set up), and the crowning jewel - our new Springfree Trampoline!

If you haven’t heard of Springfree Trampoline, let me welcome you to a world where fun and safety meet, giving parents peace of mind. Their safety award-winning springfree design has eliminated 90% of product related trampoline injuries! No springs, no hard edges, a hidden frame that’s impossible to fall on and a flexible but secure enclosure. When our kids are jumping on our Springfree, we know they're playing safe. What's not to love?!

If You Build It They Will Come!

The kids have been out of school for a while now, and I’m happy to report that our backyard refresh has been a hit! Lots of fun, lots of sun and outdoor activities, and even some relaxing for Mom and Dad. Check out more cool summer games to enjoy on your Springfree Trampoline!

Heather is a Toronto born mama of two whose parenting journey has taken her family coast to coast across Canada. When she’s not whipping up recipes for the Healthy Family Living website or sharing the latest fun Vancouver events on HFL’s Facebook page, she’s a freelance writer that has recently been published in an anthology entitled BIG, as well as in the Huffington Post, as she and her hubby of 13 years attempt to keep up with their two spirited girls and 3 fur babies!